Very important for human health antioxidants prevent inflammations and chronic diseases. They come in the form of vitamin C, saponins, lycopene, and selenium. Many vegetables and fruits contain important antioxidants, including carrots, kale, and spinach.

The list of vegetables that contain important antioxidants includes tomatoes, spinach, and olives. Loaded with flavonoids the tomatoes protect the body against pancreatic, lung, endometrial, breast, and colon cancer. Many beneficial nutrients are found in tomatoes, including manganese, thiamin, and alpha tocopherol. People on a diet should include this vegetable in their menu. They contain lutein and xanthins and help the body fight infections. Moreover, tomatoes are a good source of lycopene, which protects the organs and cells from free radicals. Loaded with important vitamins and antioxidants, carrots contain substances that help prevent free radical damage. Being powerful antioxidants, carotenoids aid the functioning of the reproductive system and protect the body from free radicals. Loaded with vitamin K and manganese, carrots are also a good source of thiamin. They contain no saturated fat or trans fat. Romaine lettuce is packed with vitamin C, folate, carotenoids, and saponins. Saponins have antioxidant properties and improve immune system health.

Vegetables such as Romaine lettuce supply vitamin C, which protects the RNA and protein molecules from toxins and harmful substances. It supplies the body with nutrients such as phosphorus and calcium. It is low in cholesterol and sodium and has some dietary fiber Romaine lettuce also contains omega-3 fatty acids and decreases the risk for blood vessel damage, heart attack, and stroke. You can prepare a salad with bean sprouts, hard boiled eggs, bacon, chestnuts, and Romaine lettuce. There are many salads to try, including lettuce and mushroom salad and lettuce salad with raspberry dressing. It is recommended to include it in your menu as lettuce contains close to 20 minerals and vitamins such as tryptophan, molybdenum, iron, and vitamin B1.

Antioxidants are found in other fruits and vegetables, including cranberries, pinto beans, cherries, and small red beans. Being an excellent source of potassium, vitamin A, and dietary fiber, sweet potatoes are low in saturated fat. They have anti-inflammatory properties and help control blood sugar levels. They are packed with vitamins and minerals and help prevent chronic diseases. You can grill sweet potatoes or make casseroles. Sweet potatoes go well with broccoli, tofu, vinaigrette, and raisins. Another idea is to prepare oven-roasted sweet potatoes, buttered sweet potato knot rolls, or spinach and sweet potato quesadillas. Kale is packed with flavonoids, carotenoids, and other antioxidants, which protect the body against cancer and fight free radicals. It is high in iron, which facilitates cell growth, transports oxygen, and participates in the formation of enzymes and hemoglobin. Kale is packed with flavonoids, carotenoids, and other antioxidants, which protect the body against cancer and fight free radicals.

For more detailed information about antioxidants in different foods follow:

(PRWEB) January 16, 2014

A new low-carb holiday guide was launched today to help visitors stay on their diet during the holidays and how to shed the pounds gained.

The guide was created by the web and content development team at LowCarbFoods.org to show visitors that it is possible to maintain a low-carb lifestyle when both family and friends are having holiday treats and sweets. The guide offers tips and ideas to survive the holidays and enjoy nutritious foods, delicious meals, and luscious treats.

“Many dieters look for excuses to eat things they shouldn’t during the holidays, and low-carb dieters are no exception. With a little planning you can stay on your low-carb diet and avoid the post-holiday food hangover,” said John Williams, marketing consultant at LowCarbFoods.org.

There is a lot of food at school and work, on television, and at home during the holidays. This could make a person anxious even if he is the most disciplined dieter. Roast turkey, mash, eggnog, plum pudding, cranberry sauce, mince pie, candy canes, and sweet potato pie are traditionally eaten. While many of us are keen to drop a dress size, it is hard to keep the pounds off during the holiday eating season. There is a big focus on food and festive indulgence.

Many dieters are looking for tips and advice on how to avoid winter weight gain. Unfortunately, the season starts as early as the beginning of December. The new holiday guide helps dieters to avoid the temptation to eat carb-laden foods and stick to their plan. Visitors are offered sample menus and ideas for low-carb substitutes, side dishes, and main meals. The holidays are to blame for weight fluctuations, stress, and post-Christmas blues. The good news is that there are ways to keep yourself calm and collected and stick with your diet of choice. The new low-carb guide offers support to dieters, helping them to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Low-carb foods are abundant during the holiday season, with plenty of delicious recipes to try.

The worst fats include saturated and trans fats and are found in foods such as cake mixes, spreads, deep fried foods, and baked goods. Saturated fats are found in products such as sour cream, palm oil, lard, and bacon. They are unhealthy because saturated fat increases the risk for coronary heart disease and bad cholesterol. The consumption of products that contain trans fats is associated with health risks such as heart disease and liver dysfunction. Other health risks associated with trans fats include infertility in women, cancer, and liver problems .

The foods to avoid depend on your diet, be it the Caveman, Atkins, or Low GI plan. The Atkins Diet bans foods such as nuts, pastries, and breads during the Induction Phase. Stay away from vegetables such as potatoes, parsnips, and white sweet corn because they contain starch. Eating non-starchy vegetables reduces the risk for cancer and diabetes. There is a large variety of non-starchy vegetables, including roots, stems, and leafy greens. Vegetable fruits are low in starch and include eggplant, tomato, and avocado. Non-starchy vegetables are rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, and antioxidants. Leafy greens are tasty, nutritious, and low in calories and starch. Dieters should also avoid foods that contain simple or refined carbohydrates because they cause spikes in insulin levels and affect the function of the nervous system and the brain. People who consume foods with refined carbohydrates are at a higher risk for diabetes and obesity. Unhealthy carbohydrates are found in foods such as noodles, tortillas, candies, and pies. Foods that are high in simple carbohydrates are empty of nutritional value and increase the risk for heart disease and diabetes. They cause high blood pressure, irritability, and other problems. Include foods with complex carbs in your menu because they are a good source of fiber and minerals. Consume more lentils, vegetables, brown rice, and wholegrain products. Broccoli, spinach, and skimmed milk also contain unrefined carbohydrates. Foods with complex carbs are considered healthy because they are high in antioxidants and improve nutrient intake. Low-carb diets allow eating healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables and protein-rich foods. The list of allowed foods includes poultry, lean beef, tofu, and vegetables. Low-carb diets also emphasize eating plenty of vegetables and fruit, including peppers, mushrooms, and lettuce. Full-fat dairies and foods with monounsaturated fats are recommended. Avoid margarine and palm oil and eat more foods with omega-3 fatty acids and monounsaturated fat. Salad dressings are allowed, but opt for dressings that are low in sugar.

Resource: lowcarbfoods.org
Low-carb dieters who follow the South Beach, Paleolithic, or Low GI Diet eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, healthy fat, protein, and low GI foods. The menu includes protein sources such as seafood, poultry, pork, tofu, and others. Dieters consume meat such as lean beef, pork tenderloin, turkey breast, salmon, etc. Each diet has its own list of recommended foods and sources of protein. People on the Paleo Diet, for example, can choose from pork chops, lean veal, and lean cuts. Those who follow the Atkins Diet can have eggs, seafood, and lean meat. The list of meats includes unprocessed poultry such as Cornish hen, turkey, and chicken. It is recommended to eat fish meat, including herring, sardines, salmon, and tuna. Eat more fish meat because it is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids. You can also eat oysters, herring, and chicken and goose eggs.

Fish meat supplies essential omega-3 fatty acids and protein. Eggs and dairy products are also good sources of protein. Dieters can have cheese and heavy cream, but they should avoid reduced and fat-free products. You can have different types of cheese but avoid whey cheese and processed cheese food. Included in the menu of many low-carb diets, nuts and seeds supply essential macronutrients. Being tasty and delicious, seeds come in different varieties – coconut, sesame, chia, and pumpkin seeds. To get a healthy supply of dietary fiber eat seeds that are low in sodium and cholesterol. Seeds and nuts offer a number of benefits such as reduced risk for heart disease and lower LDL. They contain vitamin E, which is beneficial for the blood vessels and prevents coronary heart disease. Being high in vitamins, nuts are ideal for a heart-healthy diet. There are many beneficial nutrients in nuts, including calcium and niacin. Peanuts are an excellent source of monounsaturated fats and contain substances that lower cardiovascular risk. Peanuts contain a substance called resveratrol, which facilitates blood flow in the brain. Almonds are an important source of manganese, magnesium, and riboflavin. Cashews contain copper, phosphorus, and magnesium.

Besides protein-rich foods, people on a low-carb diet should also consume fruits and vegetables, healthy fats, and other nutrient-rich foods. Fruits and vegetables that are low in sugar and carbohydrates and should be eaten by dieters. Dieters can choose from a large variety of low-carb vegetables, including celery, okra, and asparagus. Those who follow the Low GI Diet should choose vegetables with a low glycemic index value such as broccoli, tomatoes, and lettuce. Dieters can have low and medium GI dairies and breads such as whole wheat bread and whole and skimmed milk. Dieters can eat medium and low GI foods, including sweet foods and snacks, legumes, and breads. There are many grains with a low GI, among which whole grain, soya, and sourdough rye.

Does Paleo Diet Work
Low Carb Foods and Meat

Products that contain a lot of salt should be avoided. There are many
high-salt foods such as yeast extract spread, gravy, and sun dried tomatoes.
Table salt is associated with many health risks, including heart disease,
stroke, and high blood pressure. Avoid foods that contain a lot of salt because
it causes electrolyte imbalance, ventricular hypertrophy, and other conditions.
Avoid foods that contain added sodium and opt for unprocessed fish, meat, and
grains. You should not eliminate salt from your diet altogether because sodium
deficiency causes dizziness, confusion, and weakness. Sodium helps the nerve
system to transmit impulses and ensures that the senses of touch smell, and
taste work properly. The Western diet includes many dangerous and unhealthy
foods that cause obesity, heart disease, and other chronic conditions. You
should limit the consumption of foods such as bacon cheeseburgers, hamburger
chili, and fish and chips. Margarine is an affordable alternative to olive oil
and butter, but it is high in saturated fats. It increases the risk for cancer
and heart diseases, decreases insulin response, and weakens the immune system.
New mothers should avoid margarine if they are breastfeeding. 

Some foods contain a lot of sugar, including muffin mixes, pies, and barbeque
sauce. Fruit drinks and flavored milks are also loaded with sugar. Among the
harmful effects of sugar are a higher risk for cardiovascular disease, diabetes,
and food allergies. Sugar also increases the risk for stroke, yeast infection,
and depression. Research has shown that sugar increases the risk for breast and
pancreatic cancer. You should eat more fruits such as apricot, oranges, and

Other cuisines such as the Japanese also feature some unhealthy foods and
meals. Eating blowfish or fugu can cause food poisoning because it contains
toxic parts. The liver and other organs of blowfish contain tetrodotoxin, which
paralyzes the muscles. Other foods that contain toxins include chilies, farmed
fish, and oysters. While potatoes are a staple, eating green potatoes may lead
to coma and death. Avoid green potatoes because they contain solanine. While
mushrooms are packed with important nutrients, some types of mushrooms are
poisonous. Poisonous mushrooms contain toxins such as gyromitrin, muscarine, and

Rhubarb is low in cholesterol, sodium, and saturated fat and is an excellent
source of manganese, potassium, calcium, and healthy fiber. However, the leaves
are poisonous and can cause diarrhea, breathing difficulty, and coma.
Cross-contamination is the major cause for vegetable and fruit poisoning. In
fact, death cases have been reported in countries like Turkey. Poisoning
sickness may last up to 10 days and treatment may be required. Some people are
also allergic to foods such as walnuts, crab, and lobster. People who are
allergic often experience abdominal pain, weakness, lightheadedness, and asthma. 

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Low-carb diets offer many health benefits, among which steady weight loss,
lower blood glucose, and improved concentration. Some healthy plans that aid
steady weight loss are Atkins, Lifestyle, and Caveman Diets. 

The Lifestyle Cut Diet is a plan that recommends small meals to achieve
gradual and steady weight loss. Skipping meals is not recommended, and dieters
should have 5 or 6 meals a day. Dieters can choose from a variety of allowed
foods, but fats should be included in each meal. Recommended fats should come
from olives and flax seed oil and almonds. Dieters can have fruits and
vegetables such as lettuce, zucchini, broccoli, and green beans. Protein sources
to choose from include seafood, turkey, and beef. The plan is popular among
dieters because they can still eat their favorite foods. Dieters find beneficial
information about fats, carbohydrates, and proteins and the glycemic index value
of different low carb foods.  

The Paleolithic Diet is another option for people looking for a low-carb
dietary plan. People on this diet can choose from a variety of foods, including
unsalted nuts, chicken, duck, beef, vegetables, and eggs. Some foods are off
limits because they were not part of the menu of our ancestors. Products to
avoid include maltodextrin, molasses, and sugar. Rice and corn and wheat
products should be avoided by dieters. The list of banned foods also includes
cream, butter, milk, and other dairies. Dieters should make healthy food choices
and avoid snack foods, cakes, and crackers. Dieters should avoid dairy products
because cows are loaded with growth hormones, medications, and antibiotics.
Grains are not allowed because they contain lectin which causes hiatal hernia,
appendicitis, gall stones, and other gastrointestinal problems. Beans and
legumes are also on the list of excluded foods because they contain substances
that weaken the immune system. People can consume fruits and vegetables because
they are filling and contain vitamins and antioxidants. Nuts and seeds are on
the list of recommended foods because they contain omega-3 and other essential

Another low-carb diet plan associated with improved health and gradual weight
loss is The Atkins Diet. Dieters are encouraged to eat turkey, chicken, mutton,
pork, and beef. Dieters can have most vegetables, the only exception being
starchy vegetables such as potatoes. Dieters can eat vegetables like turnips,
eggplant, tomatoes, Brussels sprouts, and many others. All fats are allowed, the
only exception being margarine. Fats to include in your menu include vegetable
oil, salmon, and foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids. The list of allowed foods
includes dairies, but dieters should choose full-fat products that are low in
carbohydrates. Dieters can consume dairies such as butter and sour cream but
should avoid reduced and low fat options. The list of condiments and spices to
use includes lemon juice, vinegar, and sugar-free mayonnaise. Dieters can have
sugar-free drinks such as club soda, diet soda, and water. These foods trigger
fat burning and aid weight loss. Fat deposits are used for energy instead of
carbohydrates, which are the body’s primary fuel.

The Hunter-Gatherer or Paleo
Diet is a dietary plan that resembles the menu of our ancestors. Dieters can
have vegetables and fruit and sources of protein such as eggs and nuts.
Proponents claim that this is a healthy diet that helps prevent chronic
inflammations, heart problems, and heart attack. 
The diet emphasizes eating
healthy food that is low in sugar and salt. The plan excludes meat from
domesticated animals and recommends eating shellfish, organ meat, game meat, and
pork. Dieters can have lean veal, pork chops and loin, and lean pork. Meat such
as sausages, bacon, and hot dogs should be avoided. Instead, it is recommended
to eat fish such as halibut, drum, cod, and bluefish. Grouper, for example, is a
good source of potassium, vitamin An and C and is low in saturated fat. The menu
of dieters also includes fish meat such as haddock, turbot, and tuna. Perch is a
source of selenium, vitamin B12, and manganese but is high in cholesterol. Shark
meat is also packed with important nutrients such as selenium, protein, and
vitamin B12 and B6 but is high is cholesterol. 

People on the Paleolithic
Diet should consume more seeds and nuts such as sunflower and sesame seeds,
pecans, and cashews. Nuts are buttery, crunchy, and tasty and are loaded with
omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, and antioxidants. They are an excellent source of
palmitoleic and oleic acid which balance cholesterol levels and help prevent
stroke and other serious conditions. Nuts are an excellent source of potassium,
selenium, iron, and other minerals. Potassium, for instance, controls blood
pressure and the heart rate. 

Dieters can have limited
amounts of walnut oil, tea, and coffee. It is best to avoid processed foods such
as grain-like seeds and processed grains. People on the Paleolithic Diet should
avoid barley, noodles, lasagna, and wheat. The menu of dieters excludes foods
such as millet, wild rice, pizzas, and crackers. The Paleo Diet also excludes
products made from wheat such as pasta, pancakes, and cookies. Legumes and
vegetables with starch are excluded from the diet. Starchy vegetables are a good
source of fiber, but they are higher in calories than salad vegetables. It is
best to limit the consumption of vegetables such as sweet potatoes, cassava
root, and manioc. In addition, it is best to avoid processed foods and products
that are high in salt. Many products are high in sodium, among which salted
nuts, salami, frankfurters, and cheese. Processed and deli meats are high in
salt, and consumption should be limited. The diet excludes canned fish and meat
as well as salted, dried, and smoked meat and fish. Pickled foods, sugar, and
honey are not part of the menu. Finally, dieters should stay away from foods
that are high in sugar. Sugar, honey, and sweets have little nutritional value
and should be avoided.

LowCarbFoods.org offers new videos on low-carb lifestyle to communicate diverse
concepts and facts about diets that help people to drop a size.

(PRWEB) July 11, 2013

  LowCarbFoods.org announces today the publication of a new collection of
videos (http://www.lowcarbfoods.org/videos.php)
that presents popular low-carb diets, debunks myths, and offers information on
diverse topics in a form that is entertaining and easy to digest.

The videos were created by the web and content development teams at
LowCarbFoods.org and aim to enhance user experience. They present celebrity
diets, healthy foods for wise weight management, and many other topics that can
make low-carbing a rewarding experience. The website
features visually appealing and informative infographics. Publishing videos is
the next logical step that helps spread the message, reviewing important aspects
of nutrition and improving customer retention.

“Adding videos to LowCarbFoods.org has allowed us to greatly enhance our
users’ experience while producing great content,” said John Williams, marketing
consultant at LowCarbFoods.org.

The videos present diverse topics such as good vs. bad carbohydrates, popular
diets that have celebrity followers, and others. The collection features
informative videos that help visitors to gain a better grasp of low-carbohydrate
lifestyle and food behaviour. The goal is to improve nutrition knowledge. The
videos highlight important aspects of dieting, grab people’s attention, and help
visualize information in dynamic ways. Visual information spans social and
cultural differences and helps communicate facts and messages more effectively.
The videos on LowCarbFoods.org help visitors to visualize diverse facts,
concepts, and ideas about low-carb diets, and healthy nutrition. Dieters
will learn about popular weight loss plans that help melt away pounds, foods
that supply essential nutrients and keep you full, and a lot more. The new
collection of videos adds value for visitors and is easily accessible. Diets
such as the Pressed Juicery, Zone, and South Beach Diet are presented in such a
way that makes it easier for visitors to grasp, compare, interpret, and
remember. The website itself offers reviews of popular diets and metabolism
boosting foods, healthy low-carb recipes, fun quizzes, and more.

The new videos offer information about foods with simple carbohydrates and
high GI, which are considered unhealthy, and many other low-carb topics. They
provide the amount of detail required and present the facts in an interesting
and concise manner.

About LowCarbFoods.org: LowCarbFoods.org is an informational resource
designed to offer unbiased information on low carb diets and lifestyle.

The Subway diet was developed by Jared Fogle, with two versions for dieters to choose from. The first version includes coffee and cereal with skimmed milk for breakfast. Dieters can snack on oranges and apples. They can have a veggie Subway sandwich for dinner and turkey sandwich for lunch. If you choose the second version, you can have a turkey sandwich (6-inch) for lunch and veggie sandwich (12-inch) for dinner. Dieters skip breakfast and can have a cup of coffee only. The list of allowed drinks includes diet soda, diet Pepsi, and water. Fogle ordered Subway sandwiches with pickles, jalapeno peppers, banana peppers, green peppers, and lettuce. He used mustard and vinegar and avoided cheese, condiments, and mayonnaise. The 6-inch sandwich has 280 calories and 4 grams of fiber and provides two vegetable servings. Dieters on the Subway diet should avoid sandwiches with tuna salad, meatballs, mayonnaise, and fatty meats. Avocados contain vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats, but they are packed with calories. You should also avoid juices, energy drinks, soda, and other sugary drinks.

The sandwiches on your menu should contain up to 6 grams of fat.There are many sandwiches to choose from, including the 6-inch Roast beef, Sweet onion chicken teriyaki, Veggie Delite, and Subway Club. The mini subs have even smaller amounts of fat – roast beef has 3.5 grams and turkey breast contains 3 grams.

There are benefits to following the Subway diet, including portion control and convenience. Dieters eat low-fat, low-calorie sandwiches and healthy foods such as lean meats, vegetables, and whole grains.  It should be noted that the Subway diet is based on a 6-inch turkey sandwich, 12-inch veggie sandwich, and a bag of chips or pretzels. The Subway diet provides less than 1,000 calories which is below the recommended limit of at least 1,200 calories. You can increase the size of portions and the calorie count. Diet boredom is another problem because dieters are not offered much of a choice. The diet does not supply an adequate amount of vitamins and minerals. It is low in essential minerals and vitamins and high in sodium content. There is a lot of salt in sandwiches with processed meat. Dieters can have a small bowl of cereal or they can skip breakfast, which is a major downside of the Subway diet. Nutritionists agree that breakfast should be one of the main meals.  

Subway can be a good choice for a diet because customers can choose their toppings. This diet is also ideal for people who like salads, omelet, and sandwiches. The diet combines exercise and healthy food.

If you are a vegetarian, you can modify the diet and eat veggie sandwiches only. The diet is also affordable and easy to follow. Note that there is no diet support because this is not a dietary regimen.
The Stone Age diet is also known as the Paleo diet, the Prehistoric diet, and the Hunter-Gatherer diet. The Stone Age diet is based on the types of foods our ancestors ate. They lived before the advent of agriculture. It wasn’t until about 8,000 years ago when people domesticated maize, broomcorn millet, and wheat and started growing crops.

The Stone Age diet excludes products of farming such as dairies, legumes, and grains. People who follow the Stone Age diet can eat fruits, nuts, seeds, maple sugar, and root vegetables. Those who like exotic foods may try larva and insects. Insects contain important fatty acids and protein. There are some forbidden bugs, which won’t kill you but may make you sick. Choose black, green, and brown insects and avoid red and yellow bugs. If you dislike the thought of eating larva and insects, you can eat meat, eggs, seafood, herbs, and vegetables. Most people think of steaks and burgers when it comes to meat. Paleo dieters also eat rabbit heart and tongue, liver pate, and bone marrow.

Some dieters eat large amounts of meat and fast for 24 – 36 hours afterwards. While some people go to extremes and eat raw meat, others argue that our ancestors cooked meat. As a rule, dieters have 6 or more meals a day rather than three main meals.
Proponents of the Stone Age diet claim that our bodies are not designed to process some foods. Human genes are not adapted to eating processed foods with added sugars and high carbohydrate content. People suffer from more serious and chronic conditions than their ancestors, and our diet plays a key role. Our genes are not adopted to a diet based on refined sugars, dairy products, and processed meats. The list of banned foods includes tofu, cashews, peas, and beans. While it is recommended to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, dieters should avoid vegetables that need processing. Such vegetables are potatoes, parsnip, and sweet potatoes. Our ancestors didn’t drink coffee, coke, and alcohol, and dieters should limit consumption.

There are plenty of delicious recipes to try while on the Paleo diet. You can make sweets, main meals, side dishes, and salads. Dieters can try Paleo burgers with eggs, marinated beets, roast chicken with cauliflower and tomato pesto, or steak with mushrooms. If you like soups, you can make egg drop soup or tomato basil soup. Choose recipes that are easy to follow. If you need to use the food processor, blender, and other devices, you may need to review your knowledge and approach to the Stone Age diet. You can make tasty salads, stews, omelets, curries, and roasts if you want to impress your guests or spouse. You can prepare marinades and vinaigrettes by using dill, garlic, ginger, and other spices. You can make zesty salmon marinade, herb marinade, garlicky marinade, or another marinade. Whether making grilled lamb chops or Mexican pork chops, your guests are sure to love your choice of ingredients.