The Stone Age diet is also known as the Paleo diet, the Prehistoric diet, and the Hunter-Gatherer diet. The Stone Age diet is based on the types of foods our ancestors ate. They lived before the advent of agriculture. It wasn’t until about 8,000 years ago when people domesticated maize, broomcorn millet, and wheat and started growing crops.

The Stone Age diet excludes products of farming such as dairies, legumes, and grains. People who follow the Stone Age diet can eat fruits, nuts, seeds, maple sugar, and root vegetables. Those who like exotic foods may try larva and insects. Insects contain important fatty acids and protein. There are some forbidden bugs, which won’t kill you but may make you sick. Choose black, green, and brown insects and avoid red and yellow bugs. If you dislike the thought of eating larva and insects, you can eat meat, eggs, seafood, herbs, and vegetables. Most people think of steaks and burgers when it comes to meat. Paleo dieters also eat rabbit heart and tongue, liver pate, and bone marrow.

Some dieters eat large amounts of meat and fast for 24 – 36 hours afterwards. While some people go to extremes and eat raw meat, others argue that our ancestors cooked meat. As a rule, dieters have 6 or more meals a day rather than three main meals.
Proponents of the Stone Age diet claim that our bodies are not designed to process some foods. Human genes are not adapted to eating processed foods with added sugars and high carbohydrate content. People suffer from more serious and chronic conditions than their ancestors, and our diet plays a key role. Our genes are not adopted to a diet based on refined sugars, dairy products, and processed meats. The list of banned foods includes tofu, cashews, peas, and beans. While it is recommended to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, dieters should avoid vegetables that need processing. Such vegetables are potatoes, parsnip, and sweet potatoes. Our ancestors didn’t drink coffee, coke, and alcohol, and dieters should limit consumption.

There are plenty of delicious recipes to try while on the Paleo diet. You can make sweets, main meals, side dishes, and salads. Dieters can try Paleo burgers with eggs, marinated beets, roast chicken with cauliflower and tomato pesto, or steak with mushrooms. If you like soups, you can make egg drop soup or tomato basil soup. Choose recipes that are easy to follow. If you need to use the food processor, blender, and other devices, you may need to review your knowledge and approach to the Stone Age diet. You can make tasty salads, stews, omelets, curries, and roasts if you want to impress your guests or spouse. You can prepare marinades and vinaigrettes by using dill, garlic, ginger, and other spices. You can make zesty salmon marinade, herb marinade, garlicky marinade, or another marinade. Whether making grilled lamb chops or Mexican pork chops, your guests are sure to love your choice of ingredients.